Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wow. What a year.

Man. I though life had fallen on me like a ton of bricks last year. Its been nuts this year. Flying back and forth to Houston to visit Dad in his last days (one more trip in December for the memorial, then Mom is coming here for the Holidays...) Combine that with getting rid of one car (I bike commute 4 days a week now) as part of a commitment to lower our carbon footprint as much as possible. CFLs, buckets in the shower, compost heaps, vegetable garden, fruit trees, you name it, we are probably doing it, considering it, or have tried it and found it didn't work.

Now if only I could win the lottery, quit my job, and afford to insulate my house, replace all the windows and doors, install the solar electric system, repipe, rewire, rip out the lawn and sprinkler systems for more vegetable gardens....

I need a nap.

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