Monday, January 10, 2005

Fencing Primer #1

Foil: Foil is generally the first weapon a beginning fencer learns. It has a rectangular cross-section, and a round guard. Points may be scored by thrusting with the tip only (in competition there is a button on the tip that completes a circuit). The valid target area is the torso only (front and back) from the shoulder seams in, and down to the groin. Foil is also a right-of-way (ROW) weapon. This means that if one fencer has initiated his attack by extending his or her arm AND threatening valid target, the other fencer may not counter-attack until somehow dealing with the incoming attack. This can be by parrying (blocking) or simply moving out of the way. Note that the arm must be extendED, not extendING to constitute an attack. If one fencer sees the other starting to move and gets his or her arm straight first, then he or she gets ROW.
It seems complicated, but really it isn't. The hard part is learning to spot who had their arm out first. Oh, and footwork. That's hard too. Oh yeah, point control can be a bitch too... OK, maybe it is a little complicated, but then so are the rules to football. Its still fun.
Next primer:
Epee: The Weapon of the Gods!

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