Saturday, January 08, 2005

Fencing Friday

I went to open floor fencing last night. What a Blast - I'm still sore! Managed to fence 4 or 5 bouts to 5 points in an hour. Got my ass kicked most of the time (no surprise there), But I did manage a few sweet single light points (I was fencing epee). I've noticed that if I fence foil for a week or two and then pick up an epee, I can't hit anything for the first three bouts or so. Then I nailed somebody in the mask and pulled a sweet disengage to touch on the bicep of someone else. Still lost both bouts, but I made them work for it. I have about 4 decent bruises to show where I walked right into attacks though.

I guess I'm going to have to include a primer on fencing in the next few posts, and I'll include a few links for anyone that is interested. I have too much other stuff to do right now (yes, even on a Saturday night.) Sigh.

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